Drafting team for Islamic Declaration for Global Climate Change, Istanbul (2015). Click Translations in 11 languages here
Drafting Scholar: Team for Al Mizan Covenance for Earth (Index Kinerja Utama -IKU 5)
He is interested in bringing religion to bear to help conservation goals. One leading eco-activist in the Muslim world and elected as one of four Muslim Eco-Warrior.
Member Advisory Group Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology (2020-now), and member of International Society for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture (ISSRNC), environmental journalist and columnist. Advisory member of SiagaBumi (Environment and Interfaith in Indonesia) and Advisory Board of Faith for Our Planet (FFOP). Member of IUCN-WCPA Specialist Group in Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas (2018-now). Advisory Flight Foundation (2017-now) and SIAGA BUMI, Dewan Pembina (Guarantee) Yayasan Kehati (2019-now), Advisory Council Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI)-Indonesia (2020-now). Independent consultant for several institutions such as UNDP (2012-2014), UNEP and Islamic Science Education Cultural Organization ISESCO, Rabat, Marocco (2018-2019)
- See : The Story of Indonesian Muslim Conservation Movement
- Scholarship Studies on his work:
Konsep pendidikan Islam dalam konservasi lingkungan hidup menurut Fachruddin M Mangunjaya (The concept of Islamic education in environmental conservation according to Fachruddin Mangunjaya)- Skripsi (BS) Fifit Chalifah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 2019)
Interpretasi ayat ayat ekologi perspektif Fachruddin Mangunjaya (The interpetation of ecological signs in al Qur’an, in Fachruddin Mangunjaya’s Perspective) Skripsi (Bsc) Anisah Dewi, UIN Sunan Ampel, 2022)